$140,000 to Be Spent on Removing Asbestos from a Gracedale Basement

asbestos cleaningDust containing high asbestos levels will be cleaned from a basement in Gracedale, Northampton. The procedure will cost about $140,000 as the dangerous substance has been accumulating there for more than15 years. Nearby shops and buildings will be closed for a more than 3 weeks’ period, for safety reasons.

County officials report that the clearance will be launched next week. Hallways and other premises will be cleaned for at least 4 weeks, as many of them are used for storing food, then the disinfection may take even more time.

The alleged source of dust is the fire proof coating of the doors removed 15 years ago. The aim of the cleaning procedure is to make these premises safe and clean as they originally were and suitable for even children to hang out in there.

County Administrator , Tom Harp, is eager to clean the county’s reputation and hide asbestos related problems and speculations from the press and the public eye. This has decreased the birth-rate and the county administrator is aiming at giving it a boost.

Asbestos is a cancerous chemical usually in the form of crystals. Inhaling even small asbestos fibers can lead to serious health implications such as malign cancer (lung cancer) and other illnesses. Its use for commercial purposes is banned in the European Union. It was previously used in commercial buildings construction due to its resistance to fire and low prices.

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Nicholas Carr

Nicholas Carr

CleanerConfessions.com is a blog meant for various domestic tips mainly but not limited to cleaning, washing and wiping dust, stains and dirt away from your home.