Cleaning Events: Clean Sweep in Brighton

The Brighton Clean Sweep is a cleaning event in which volunteers can take part. It has been organized every year for the last five ones and this year’s event will take place on May 5th. Everyone who wants to join is welcomed.

As we already said the date is May 5th and the place is Brighton Town Hall on 2300 Elmwood Avenue. Everyone who desires to take part should be there at 9a.m. in order to receive their assignment for the cleaning process. There will be also a breakfast which several famous chains will provide.

Before the Clean Sweep begins people will be informed about the place they need to clean and their main tasks. There will be T-shirts, trash bags and gloves for everybody. All you need to bring with you is a shovel and rakes. The lunch will be at 11.30 a.m. in the French Road Elementary School.

The organizers of the event hope that it is going to attract even more people than it did last year. They also hope that we can give a good example to our children and to the young people in Brighton and make them respect the nature. If yo want to participate, feel free to join this cleaning event by contacting the Councilwoman Louise Nevros.

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Nicholas Carr

Nicholas Carr is a blog meant for various domestic tips mainly but not limited to cleaning, washing and wiping dust, stains and dirt away from your home.